While idly  surfing the web, I came across Donald and Hobbes. Which are strips of Calvin and Hobbes, an American newspaper cartoon created by Bill Watterson about an inexplicably intelligent yet devoid of common sense 6 year old named Calvin and his plush tiger Hobbes, with the eponymous Calvin replaced by one Donald J. Trump.

Hobbes is Calvin’s stuffed Tiger, as far as I know it’s never explained where he was procured, but they’re essentially joined at the hip much like any six year old and their favourite toy. Despite being a plush toy, Hobbes in Calvin’s eyes is an anthropomorphic genuine tiger and is always presented as such when the comic panel is focused on Calvin.

Hobbes is named after Thomas Hobbes who, according to Watterson, held “a dim view of human nature” and Hobbes interactions reflect this. he’ll often silently listen on as Calvin rants and raves with a strong lexicon, but world view of a 6 year old.

A typical example of some of Calvin and Hobbes’ conversations

Because of Calvin’s mannerism and opinions, I highly commend whoever the first person to photoshop stills of Donald Trump’s face onto that of Calvin.

Calvin’s bratty but innocent narcissism and misogyny suit him because he’s a boy of 6 years old. And as we all know, 6 year old boys live by the mantra of “I’m the greatest and girls are gross”

Case in Point: Dictator and Club Secretary General of G.R.O.S.S

Fittingly, and somewhat unnervingly, Calvin’s rants and opinions work remarkably well when they’re presented as Trump’s word.

Here’s a few examples of Donald and Hobbes strips, the only dialogue changed from the original scripts is “Calvin” to “Donald”.


I wasn’t lying when I said it was unsettling accurate.